Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Joined The Gym!

After only a month away from home and away from my normal routine I've started putting on the pounds! It is not a significant amount but enough to get me motivated. So I've been trying to get out and be active but it's just not measuring up! I went from being super active and a job that had me literally running almost twenty-four hours a a desk job staring at my computer screen. So here is my new goal to look like Starla from Napoleon!
Pret-ty soon you will not even recognize me!


  1. I know what you mean about needing to be active. I was doing so well getting out with Brooke and walking, doing water aerobics and other things, but since I've been out of town for almost 2 weeks straight i haven't been working like I should. And now that I'm home, it's hard to find the motivation to get going again. Good Luck!

  2. well sarah i know you want to be active, but come on do you really wanna look like a cross-dresser?
