Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Update #3

Friday I had my 18 week appointment. We were really hoping they would do an ultrasound, but it worked out that we didn't because Jed had to stay home because he was so sick with a bad cold...which he has so kindly passed on to me. So I was really sad to go to this doctor's appointment, especially since it was our first appointment with the doctor I want to deliver with. The appointment went really well, again I got to hear the heart beat, I recorded it and was trying to post it but I can't figure out how to do that. It was good, it was 155 bpm and I am measuring right where I am supposed to be, but I don't remember what that was.

I am really excited about my doctor, she was very nice; she lived in Utah for a while and went to the U. We talked bikes for a while, she is one of those year round cyclists and she is really great at encouraging me to get out and be active.

We scheduled our ultrasound for Friday August 5th. I am really hoping that we will be able to find out the gender.


  1. I am sure by the 5th you will be far enough along that you will knownthe gender. I am still saying girl! Glad everything went okay. And I saw on FB that you are starting to feel the baby move? I love that! Makes it seem more real and a daily reminder that there really is a little person in there. You better text me as soon soon as you know!

  2. I am saying boy. I always root for boys!

  3. Boy! I think the heart rate says boy!

  4. i say it is a boy or girl, and a very cute one what ever it 's gender

  5. Oh how exciting. That is so fun when you can have the ultrasound and she the little one moving around and also see if it is a boy or girl. Good Luck and let me know as soon as you can.
