I served from December 2004-July 2006 in the Rio De Janeiro North mission! My mission president from Brazil was visiting UT for his son's wedding, so everyone got together for a reunion. I just happened to be in town and was lucky to be there! It was really great to be with those I served with and to again here the counsel of my mission president. My mission president has been just as influential to my personal testimony as my own parents!

President Quatel has always had a strong spiritual presence and it was so great to see him

Sister Joanne Richey Davis! My mission Mom! She was my trainer and she was so great! I got along so well with her and we had so much fun. I remember the first night we went out to one of the most rural parts of my mission walking through the dusty roads at night...it was so surreal! I will never forget that night. I didn't understand anything they were saying and I was really distracted by the geckos running on the walls. It was great!

These were some of the sisters I served with throughout my mission! They are so wonderful! It is impossible to explain the bond and memories you share with those you serve with! It was so great to see them!
I remember that night too! And trying to find food at a little store for you to buy. You were an EXCELLENT missionary! I loved having you for a companion. I'm so glad I got to see you at the reunion. It wouldn't have been the same without you!!!